Wednesday, July 28, 2010

34 week Appointment

Hello again! Today we went up to La Crosse for our 34 week appointment for the boys! They had a growth ultrasound, which measured them at about 6 pounds a piece, but the ultrasound tech said that they can be off by a pound usually lower then what they are measured at! Ryan and I still believe that they are above 5 1/2 pounds for sure since it's been 4 weeks since the last ultrasound and they grew 2 pounds in 5 weeks from the ultrasound before that! Baby A is still head down and Baby B is more feet down (he's in a transverse position and his head is over baby A's feet, so things have tipped a bit, but still looking good!) We met with Dr. Alvarado instead of Dr Peck! She was very open about everything and seemed to be more willing to answer questions instead of Dr. Peck since she has 5 kids of her own and is an OB doctor! Dr Alvarado wasn't worried about delivery, she explained that since Baby A is head down, that it is a go for natural delivery and that Baby B usually flips into head down position, but would be okay if he was feet down too, as they would just pull him out that way! (ouch I know-but she said it's been done before and is fine.) Ryan and I got to tour the labor and delivery area, and got to see the nurses station of the post-pardum area which is where you go 2 hours after delivery! My back has been killing me, but not a sign of labor yet and no contractions either!!! We go back on Tuesday morning to see Dr. Peck again. That is all for now!

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