Wednesday, July 21, 2010

33 Week Appointment and Update

Yesterday we had our 33 week appointment! Dr Peck tried to check my cervix but was unable to and said that means I'm not dialated ,but doesn't mean it can't change whenever or for whatever reason! Wondering if I may hit the 54 mark to meet the twin record, as I got measured at 45. Dr Peck also still thinks that I may go on my own before 38 weeks but we'll wait and see, as if they don't come out by the 23rd of August then they will induce me. As far as we know, the boys are both still head down! We have our ultrasound next Wednesday and then meet with Dr. Alvarado because Dr Peck is off all next week. Ryan and I are getting super excited and can't wait to meet our precious little guys! After our appointment we went to Home Depot! I drove one of the electric wheel chairs as Ryan walked and we picked out paint for the spare room and got our paint for the bean bag toss boards. Ryan got the spare room painted today so then he can get the floor put in soon and then we can get our bedroom cleaned so when we are able to, we can move back into our room and in our bed!!! I'm really missing our bed! The spare bed for some reason is just not cutting it! Ryan also spent some time making boards for our bean bag toss game-which I've wanted one for a LONG time. He is making them in our favorite college teams Texas and Iowa! I've been staying busy by going through boxes of papers and items, as well as keeping the boys nice and comfy in their home. LoL!!! I have also gone through some old papers that Grandma Jean gave me of the "Baby Section" of the old Waukon Standards and have found some VERY interesting pictures of family, friends, and classmates. But other than that-Yes I'm getting bored and wouldn't mind any visistors-just give me a call with a 20 minute notice!!! LoL! That's all for now! Going to watch Law and Order SVU!!! Take care and God Bless!!!!

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