Wednesday, July 28, 2010

34 week Appointment

Hello again! Today we went up to La Crosse for our 34 week appointment for the boys! They had a growth ultrasound, which measured them at about 6 pounds a piece, but the ultrasound tech said that they can be off by a pound usually lower then what they are measured at! Ryan and I still believe that they are above 5 1/2 pounds for sure since it's been 4 weeks since the last ultrasound and they grew 2 pounds in 5 weeks from the ultrasound before that! Baby A is still head down and Baby B is more feet down (he's in a transverse position and his head is over baby A's feet, so things have tipped a bit, but still looking good!) We met with Dr. Alvarado instead of Dr Peck! She was very open about everything and seemed to be more willing to answer questions instead of Dr. Peck since she has 5 kids of her own and is an OB doctor! Dr Alvarado wasn't worried about delivery, she explained that since Baby A is head down, that it is a go for natural delivery and that Baby B usually flips into head down position, but would be okay if he was feet down too, as they would just pull him out that way! (ouch I know-but she said it's been done before and is fine.) Ryan and I got to tour the labor and delivery area, and got to see the nurses station of the post-pardum area which is where you go 2 hours after delivery! My back has been killing me, but not a sign of labor yet and no contractions either!!! We go back on Tuesday morning to see Dr. Peck again. That is all for now!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Vehicle

We forgot to update you on our new vehicle! Yes this means I'm going to be a "Soccer Mom"

This is our "new to us" 2006 Pontiac Montana

For those of you who didn't know, Ryan and I had our car seat check on July 9th, and we found out that we were unable to fit in the front seats with the carseats in. Ryan was hugging his legs along with the stirring wheel-so yes, it was an accident waiting to happen. We purchased our van last Wednesday on the 14th from Cresco Motor Company. We put the carseats in the van and it's much better. There is so much more room in this van and we are able to fit what we need in here. Only thing we have to be aware about is the next time we are pregnant, if it's twins again we may be in trouble, as they recommend only putting 1 carseat (rear or front facing) in the back seat, so who knows, we may have to upgrade again, but One day at a time for now. So if you know anyone that is in look for a SUV with 4 wheel drive-we are selling our 2003 Ford Escape. You will have to ask Ryan what we are asking ,as he is in charge of that. Again we are getting SUPER anxious to meet our little guys. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

33 Week Appointment and Update

Yesterday we had our 33 week appointment! Dr Peck tried to check my cervix but was unable to and said that means I'm not dialated ,but doesn't mean it can't change whenever or for whatever reason! Wondering if I may hit the 54 mark to meet the twin record, as I got measured at 45. Dr Peck also still thinks that I may go on my own before 38 weeks but we'll wait and see, as if they don't come out by the 23rd of August then they will induce me. As far as we know, the boys are both still head down! We have our ultrasound next Wednesday and then meet with Dr. Alvarado because Dr Peck is off all next week. Ryan and I are getting super excited and can't wait to meet our precious little guys! After our appointment we went to Home Depot! I drove one of the electric wheel chairs as Ryan walked and we picked out paint for the spare room and got our paint for the bean bag toss boards. Ryan got the spare room painted today so then he can get the floor put in soon and then we can get our bedroom cleaned so when we are able to, we can move back into our room and in our bed!!! I'm really missing our bed! The spare bed for some reason is just not cutting it! Ryan also spent some time making boards for our bean bag toss game-which I've wanted one for a LONG time. He is making them in our favorite college teams Texas and Iowa! I've been staying busy by going through boxes of papers and items, as well as keeping the boys nice and comfy in their home. LoL!!! I have also gone through some old papers that Grandma Jean gave me of the "Baby Section" of the old Waukon Standards and have found some VERY interesting pictures of family, friends, and classmates. But other than that-Yes I'm getting bored and wouldn't mind any visistors-just give me a call with a 20 minute notice!!! LoL! That's all for now! Going to watch Law and Order SVU!!! Take care and God Bless!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

32 Week Appointment

Today we had our 32 week check! I am 32 weeks and 1 day! Dr Peck measured me at 42 (10 weeks ahead of where I actually am, but that is typical with twins)

~a picture of me taken today at 32weeks 1 day~

So Dr Peck wasn't more worried then last time with the babies being low and that he’s still hoping that I can make it to August! Dr Peck said the measuring record for twins in La-X is 54 but the record for twins/triplets/quads is 60! He said that I could possibly hit 54, but doesn’t think I will and he doesn't foresee me not delivering before the 38 weeks-he's still thinking 34-36 weeks!!! OMG-coming so soon! He noticed the swelling in my legs (grabbing my right leg which isn't as bad as my left usually) and said, "oh you have some more swelling then usual. Well that's normal and will be from here on out.) BP was good so he said that the swelling was definately not something to worry about. We have a 33 week check up next Tuesday with Dr Peck and then on the 28th we have a 34 week check up along with a growth ultrasound for the boys with Dr. Alvarado! Dr Peck stated that the only reason why they would take me before I actually go into labor would be because the boys aren't growing at the same rate-which typically they have been and hoping it stays that way! Almost got everything for the boys-just need to get my thank you's finished and some casseroles baked (in which I’ve been procrastinating with the heat/humidity and tomorrow’s suppose to be worse!) Today also while up in the La-X area, we stopped to look at a van in La Cresent, but it wasn’t in, as the main boss and his family are on vacation with it, so it won’t be in until next Monday-which we go back up for a 33 week check up next Tuesday! We did test drive a Chevy Uplander, but it seems too far out of our price range-so back to looking online! We also found a Pontiac Montana that we liked but we’re waiting to test drive the Chrysler Town and Country in La Cresent! Wish us luck on finding a van and soon, as we never know when these little guys will decide to make their appearance! Ryan and I are both already really tired, as neither one of us can sleep well! It didn’t help that last night Molly and Dallas were barking A LOT! Probably at the racoons and deer passing through the lawn! Ryan is on a 6 milking streak (tonight through Friday morning!) So we may be just laying low for a few days-which is fine with me, since it’s EVEN MORE uncomfortable to move much. Well that’s all for now! Until next time....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

First Blog

Hello Everyone! Welcome to The Snitker Family Blog! My good friend Shannon got this set up for me so we could help keep everyone updated on our growing family! I hope you all will enjoy this! It's going to be a learning experience for me with blogging and hoping to get the hang of it by the time the twins arrive! We are getting very anxious to meet them, but they still need to bake a little longer! According the doctors as of right now, anytime in the next 2-6 weeks! We have another doctor's appointment on Tuesday and every week after that until we deliver. We'll update you then! Take care and have a great day!