Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's been way too long...

Thanksgiving 2010

The most recent picture of Jordan and Colton

Jordan and Colton-2 days old

Hello everyone. It has been quite a while since I've blogged. We have been supper busy with our 2 wonderful baby boys. Seems just like yesterday we brought them home and now they are rolling over and sitting up in their exer-saucer, (which they love.) The boys are now 5 months and 11 days old. I can't believe how fast time is flying. To fill everyone in, I started back to work Nov 1, 2010 and am working part-time, which gives me time to be home with the boys, which I LOVE spending as much time with them as I can. We made it through Thanksgiving, having it here at our home. The boys enjoyed their time with their family that day, were quite the studs wearing their flannels! LoL...

Christmas creeped up too soon! Christmas was quite an adventure for the boys, seeing a lot of people, as we went to the big Snitker family Christmas at Great Aunt Uncle's- Beth and Randy's, where the boys were introduced to many cousins. We then had Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve, in which the boys got to play with their cousin Sara. Then on Christmas we went to Grandpa and Grandma Snitker's where the boys finally got to meet their cousin Renae, who is close to size to the boys for being 3 months younger! Cousin Gracelynn also got her cousin Jordan and Colton fix, by going over and giving them plenty of hugs- the boys didn't know what to think, but it was the cutest thing- The boys also were visited by Auntie Betsy and Auntie Shannon, which this was the first time that Betsy had met the boys as she and her husband Lucas moved to Florida about 11 days before the boys were born. We got a wonderful gift from her- the start of the boys' scrapbooks, which I have yet to add to (go figure, right.) The boys also got some cute clothes from many family members, which I'm hoping to get pictures of the boys in them and send them out to you all, but it may take me a while! Then the New Year came, which Ryan and I spent at home with the boys and we were in bed by 9:30 p.m., boy we're getting old. Last Thursday I celebrated my 25th birthday, which was pretty uneventful besides the fact that we went to La Crosse to order counter top to go in out entry room and my brother Parker got his orders for active duty. On Friday the 14th, there was a going away ceremony held for the 322nd Engineer Company out of Decorah! It was great to see all the support from the families, friends, and community of the soldiers. On Saturday we took Parker out to Happy Joe's to have some going away pizza and to celebrate Parker's 20th birthday early since he will be over seas during the time of his birthday. On Sunday, Parker and the rest of the 322nd Engineer Company rolled out of the reserve unit in Decorah! It was a proud but bittersweet moment. I am very proud of my little brother, as he is only 19 and is going to fight for our country and our freedom, Thank you little brother-we love you very much! As for this week, not much has been going on besides mommy trying to get in to a healthy routine of exercising and eating healthier! I haven't been gaining so I guess that's a plus! The reason for my wanting to lose the weight, is so I can be healthy to be able to run after my boys when they start going in opposite direction, which I'm hoping isn't until next fall, (yeah right.) As for now, that's all I have, but I wanted to update everyone on what's been going on. Hopefully I'll remember to blog at least weekly! Take care and God Bless ~The Snitkers~


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