Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome Jordan Adam and Colton Ryan

Hello to the outside world. It has been quite a while since I have posted last. As you all know by know, Ryan and I welcomed our twin boys into the world on August 10, 2010. I'm going to start at the beginning.... That Monday, August 9, I hit 36 weeks which is quite a HUGE milestone with multiples, as most don't hit the 36th week, although some do and some exceed. Ryan and his dad had been working on the spare room to get that finished up so we could move back upstairs as soon as possible after the boys arrived. Before lunch, Ryan had been sawing away at the top of the door that leads to the upstairs, with his reciprocating saw, as the door would not shut properly. As Ryan was eating lunch, I was leaving our kitchen, heading into the dining room area to go into the restroom. I was stopped dead in my tracks and my right foot started to throb. I looked down and there is a reciprocating saw blade in my foot, (happened to be about 1/2 inch.) I immediately yelled at Ryan saying, "you shouldn't leave your stuff laying around." Ryan rushed me to the emergency room where Dr. Schwartz was on call. Let me remind you, this is at about 1 p.m. Dr Schwartz admitted that he would rather be seeing me for the pregnancy instead of the blade in my foot. Got a shot of novicane to numb my foot, as well as some x-rays to ensure that the blade hadn't gone into the bone. Since my feet were swollen, the blade had NOT gone into the bone. Thank heavens!!!! Got the blade out and went home! We were able to joke about it afterwards stating, "maybe this would put me into labor." Not quite sure if it did or not, but my water broke at 6:15 a.m. the next morning. As I called up to Labor and Delivery in La Crosse to inform them we were on our way, I yelled at Ryan to get up. He came out of the bedroom asking, "what is it?" I looked at him with a smile, "my water broke, it's time." As Ryan and I got ready, we never would have expected what was about to happen! Ryan and I made our 1 hour and 20 minute trip to La Crosse and were greeted with lots of smiles when we arrived at the hospital. Dr Simmon was the doctor on call. They did all the protocall stuff, by making sure that my water actually broke, getting me hooked up to the monitors-which the boys didn't like to keep on, as they kicked and punched. Dr Simmon tried to get an ultrasound done, but she admitted that she wasn't very good at them and would see if Dr Peck would help, as he was doing rounds in Post Pardum. Dr. Peck came in 20 minutes later and stated that Baby A was head down, face up, and Baby B was on the total opposite side of where he was before, feet down. Dr. Simmon informed Ryan and I that it would more than likely be a long labor with Baby A face up and was not going to guarentee that Baby B would flip, and would have to deliver him C-section. She said that more than 50% of the time this is the case and would give us some time to decide as she had another c-section to perform. Ryan and I contemplated about this for a good 2 hours. I made phone calls to people who had c-sections to see how it was, as I really didn't want to deliver both ways, but I also didn't want to have a c-section. After much discussion, Ryan and I chose the c-section and I was wheeled into the operating room at noon. Ryan was in the operating room with me at 12:30 p.m. and we got to meet Jordan Adam at 12:41 p.m. weighing in at 6lbs 1/2 oz and 19 inches long and Colton Ryan, 6lbs 5.3 oz and 19.2 inches long at 12:43 p.m. We didn't name the boys until about 10:00 p.m. after all our family had left, so we had a chance to see what name fit who!

~Colton Ryan and Jordan Adam~
Ryan did very well with stepping up to the plate and becoming a hands on dad right away. I couldn't do a whole lot with the c-section, as I could barely get out of bed and walk, but that is what I had to do. The boys and I got out of the hospital that Friday and brought our bundles of joy home!!! Since then, we have been very busy parents with changing diapers, feeding, and me pumping, but we are loving every moment of it! We have had plenty of support from our family, as Aunt Christi came up this past weekend to stay over Friday and Saturday so we could get some extra shut eye and the past couple of nights, my mom has stayed, as Ryan's been out hauling and had to milk this morning. The boys have been quite a handful-but to be expected with twins and I'm loving every minute of being a mommy!!!! The boys had a check up on Monday and Jordan is up to 6lbs 60z and Colton is up to 6lbs 9oz so they are getting closer in weight. A lot of people ask me how to tell them apart! I tell people their quirks and differences, such as Colton's stork bite on his right eye lid, as well as crud on it from a clogged tear duct, but we're working on that! Colton also has chubbier cheeks than Jordan and Jordan's the fussier one! When Jordan's hungry he wants his food now, not in 2 minutes, as he doesn't give a little fuss that he's hungry, he just lets out the loudest cry!!! Well it's feeding time so I better get going! Gotta love my boys! Will try to update more later!!!!! :) *hugz and love to all*

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

35 Week Appointment

35 weeks

Hello again! Yesterday Ryan and I went up for my 35 week appointment! Dr. Peck was happy that I have made it this far and still holds to his August 9th prediction as he stated he doesn't foresee me delivering anytime this week! My blood pressure was good, babies heartbeats sounded good, Dr. Peck said that he was happy with their growth and that they were getting adequate nutrition. My stomach/uterus measured at 49, so I only have 5 to go to meet the record for twins, but Ryan's really hoping that I go before then! I think he's getting anxious to meet these little guys as much as I am! That and he probably would rather wake up to them crying, instead of me getting up to use the bathroom! My swelling has gone up severely but there was no protein in my urine that would indicate toxemia or pre-eclampsia, so that was good news, but he decided to put me on a medication to help with the fluid retention! Got a red flag when I went to pick up the medication as it was brought to the pharmacists attention about how I'm allergic to sulfa and that I could have a reaction to this medication due to that, but they called Dr. Peck and he reassured that he was fine with me taking it. At least I'm aware and know what to look out for if I do have a reaction, which I'm praying that I don't because I don't want it to affect the boys! Ryan is sticking to his names that he has for the boys! I guess we'll just have to wait and see until they decide to come out!!! I really would like to be up and around cleaning but with how much weight I am carrying in the front, I can't do a whole lot of anything without my back hurting, which includes, just getting up to get something to eat, drink, or just to use the restroom! Maybe that's a sign that I'm in the nesting stage, as I did have Mom and Perry come out to help do some cleaning on Monday! Makes me feel better that the house looks cleaner than before they came out! Ryan and Larry got the floor put in the spare room on Monday and are hoping to get the ceiling in today, so Ryan and I picked up a ceiling fan for that room yesterday!!! Which means our bedroom will be ready to clean, YAAAHHHHH!!! I can't wait to go back to our bedroom. Well I think that is all for now, I'm going to grab a popsicle and see if there is anything good on tv! Have a wonderful day and God Bless!!!